Sunday, January 26, 2014

Concept Paragraph for CS 460:

There are many old multigame arcade-style game platforms in the World today, but there is not (that I know of) a modern digital multigame platform with modern arcade-style games with online scoring; most modern arcade games are standalone arcade cabinets. All of the current multigame platforms are antiquated arcade cabinets or emulators of compilations of old arcade games.

For this project, the team will create a suite of arcade-style games with online scoring that will provide user entertainment using a modern development engine, Unity, and package them in a multigame software platform where it will be visually pleasing and user friendly to access the games.

Arcade-style game lovers, who have played and continue to play arcade classics through multigame arcade cabinets or emulators, will enjoy playing and using this software because it has multiple games with the style of games that they enjoy but with modern polish.

This platform will be open-sourced to allow other game developers to add their own games to the platform and will result in a very large game library of modern arcade-style games. The online scoring server will be monetarily supported through donations.

If you have wanted to or have enjoyed game development, please support this project where we can create one of the first modern arcade-style multigame platforms.

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