Monday, May 12, 2014

My group and I have worked on our showcase pitch for more than 6 hours over the weekend and today. It has improved a lot during this time, and I believe that we'll be able to perform very well for tomorrow. We are covering all of the bases; an intro into the problem, why what is currently available is bad, why our web application helps solve the problem, the technology behind our web application, how we plan to generate revenue and market our web application, and demos for both the manual scheduling, and the schedule generator. I really hope that what we have prepared will be well received by the judges. Since we've had a code freeze for the last week or so, we have been able to focus on our parts as well as being able catch up on other classes; it has been insane how much time CS 460 eats into your other classes. However, with a team like ours, we've been able to keep the stress down, get what we needed implemented, and maintain the CS 460/other classes work balance, resulting in a healthy work/work balance throughout the semester (see what I did there?). I hope that Professor Ackley sees that I'm attempting to redeem myself from my poor project pitch performance and graces me with a passing grade for the class.

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